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Mike's Pic
The Rackler Clan !!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Reflective Blog Post #3

Reflect on the idea of what a technology-infused classroom looks like. How do you plan to have a technology-infused classroom?

On the surface, this is a very difficult question for me to address since I teach in a computer lab with nice computers, dual projection screens, and the latest software for my course. I have contemplated a while on this and I don't really thing in my case the question of how a technology-infused classroom looks is to address the physical make-up of the room as much as it is the structure of the course and how the students interact. In my case, a technology-infused classroom will look like the unit I am building for Module Six. It will have a wiki space for students to get information from and communicate through. Parents will be able to access this space as well to see what is assigned and see the work of their child. There will be surveys for checking information and entry-level knowledge. There will be PowerPoints with the high points from the lessons for students to review. There will be blogs for students to discuss design features. There will also be links to outside resources ti give students opportunity to take the experiences beyond what is being taught. These are just some of the ideas for my new interactive classroom.
This is going to be an adventure and I am really hoping the distict can fund another year of the course. It will be so different from the students reading along from the textbook and doing the examples as I do them on the overhead.
I apologize if there needed to be sources on this, it is all just to abstract in my head right now so the resources are just some of the tools I will be using.

WIKI - http://www.pbworks.com/
Blog - http://www.blogger.com/
Surveys - http://www.surveymonkey.com/

1 comment:

  1. Mike,
    I am very enviable of your school. It sounds like the one of the future that we are posting about. I like the presentations that you are planning and the actual learning that you expect to take place.
    Having the ability to let the kids experience anything beyond the classroom walls is where the future does lie. The kids need the ability to think critically and definitely outside the box.
    I hope the funding is available for you.
    Nancy Bedard
